Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation provides an opportunity for effective one-to-one communication. To make a successful poster presentation, please be sure to review the following instructions:

1. Presentation Preparation
  • Abstract of poster presentation should be submitted via Online Submission System. Please mark "For poster presentation" in the NOTE box, or email to for confirmation.
  • To ensure visual effectiveness of your poster, use large lettering and a minimum of text. Meticulous checking is required in all posters for typographic and grammatical mistakes and image (usage of color) quality.
  • Posters Presenters should appear one hour before the poster session get started and hang the poster accordingly;
  • All presenters are responsible for removing their posters when poster presentation finishes. The Secretariat takes no responsibility for posters after that.
2. Best Poster Presentation Selection
  • Best Poster Presentation(s) will be selected based on the actual situation, with one Best Poster from every ten posters; however, if the number of posters is less than ten, then no best poster presentation will be awarded.
  • This award consists of free registration to the next DMI Conference and a certificate signed by Conference Chair. Results will be demonstrated on DMI official website.
Selection Criteria

  • Research Quality
  • Presentation Skill
  • Design
Selection Procedure
  • The conference general chair will invite 10-20 volunteers from invited speakers, professors and experienced researchers to serve as the judges to review the posters (Note: A judge would not have a poster or know the participant exhibiting a poster)
  • 2 red stickers and 2 green stickers will be provided to the judges. The red sticker stands for "Research Quality" with a value of 2 points; the green sticker stands for "Presentation Skill and Design" with a value of 1 point
  • Each judge will go around the poster session and give the stickers to the poster which he/she thinks is of high quality or well designed and well presented, please be noticed that the judge cannot give 2 red or 2 green stickers to the same poster (one red and one green sticker are acceptable)
  • After the poster session, the Chair will count the points from each poster and select one best poster presentation with more points. If there is a tie, the one with more red (Research Quality) stickers wins; if there is still a tie, the Chair will make the final decision