Visa Application

Nationals of about 170 countries and territories may visit Hong Kong visa-free for a period ranging from 7 days to 180 days. However, you are strongly suggested to review the information on the website of the Immigration Department of HKSAR Government: or to check with your local travel agency and apply one soon if needed. Kindly be reminded to double check your passport to ensure it has at least six months' validity remaining.

The Conference Organizing Committee is not authorized to issue a visa directly but can issue an Invitation Letter to assist with your visa application. If an Invitation Letter from the Conference is required, please send your request to Please include the below information:

♦ Name (Same with Passport)
♦ Post Address and work address (if they are the same, one is enough)
♦ Zipcode
♦ Telephone number for post
♦ Title and Gender (Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Ms) (Teacher / Student) (Male / Female)
♦ Birth Date (2017 JULY 13th) or (2017年7月13日)
♦ Nationality
♦ In which country the participant is applying for VISA