Submission Instructions

1. Abstract Submission
For attendees who are interested in submitting an abstract only for an oral or poster presentation without publications, please submit your abstract(s) following the guidelines as below:

● Abstract should be strictly within one A4 page in length apart from the cover letter page and containing 200-250 words;

● A cover letter page is required to include a short biography of the corresponding author/presenter with following information:
1) Full Name; 2) Title information (Prof. / Dr. / Mr./ Ms.) (Teacher / Student); 3) Affiliation information (Department, University/Institution) + Country; 4) Research Interests;

● Abstract should be submitted in .doc format according to the Abstract Template;

● Kindly mark "Abstract for Oral/Poster Presentation" when submitting the abstract via the Online Submission System;

● Acceptance or rejection will be notified within two weeks via e-mail

2. Full Paper Submission
● Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers in English on their research relevant to the conference topics and theme. Submission of any manuscript that contains redundant or duplicate publication of the same or very similar research work violates the policies of recommendation and publication will be rejected.

● Manuscripts should not be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere.

● Full papers are required to submitted via the online submission system.

1) For Conference Proceeding: FAIA
Accepted full papers will be published in Conference proceedings in the book series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) (Indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, CPCI, etc). Indexing information could be found at

FAIA template
Authors are required to prepare and format their papers using the following FAIA template that is available from The page includes direct download links to .zip files containing either MsWord or LaTeX templates (author can choose either one).
a. Word template
b. LaTeX stylefile
Normally we expect the paper no more than 7 pages. If the paper exceeds 7 pages, the extra page charges will be required from the eighth page.

FAIA Acceptance
The acceptance notification and the registration instructions will be sent to authors once papers are accepted via e-mail

FAIA Proofreading
The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editor.

Please be noted that the IOS Press does not typeset papers for Conference proceedings (FAIA), the Organizing Committee is in charge of papers' proofreading. Therefore, please do check and correct your paper carefully when proofs are sent to you. Corrected papers will be directly published online by IOS Press.

Authors submitting manuscripts to Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) have the understanding that they have read and agreed to the terms of the IOS Press Author Copyright Agreement posted in the 'Authors' at . Authors do not need to fill out a copyright form for confirmation.

2) For related EI/SSCI/SCI journals
• For authors who are only interested in publishing papers in EI/SSCI/SCI journals NOT considering FAIA conference proceeding, please prepare the paper not limited to 7 pages but according to requirements of the journals.
• No strict typesetting is required before your initial submission but please refer to the FAIA template mentioned above for basic layout and format. After pre-review and peer review process by at least two reviewers, a propriate EI/SSCI/SCI indexed journal will be recommended to you attached with the template required by the journal accordingly.

3. Notes for DMI Authors:
• Both abstract and full paper submissions are required to be submitted through the Online Submission System.
• For papers to be published in Conference Proceedings (FAIA), there will be a charge of $ 60. 00 USD for each additional page beyond 7 pages.
• For papers to be published in some EI/SSCI/SCI journals, there will also be a charge for each additional page. For details, please consult the organizing committee before submission.